
Top Eco-Friendly Items for a Sustainable Home (2024)

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Environmental conservation — or protecting planet Earth – shows up on various levels: society, community, family, and individual. A big part of helping our planet become healthier is consciously improving your life at home. At home, we each have the opportunity to shop, clean, eat, and live in a way that supports this home we call Earth. This guide highlights some of the top eco-friendly items for a sustainable home.


Unsustainable v. Sustainable Homes

As each household adopts environmentally healthy practices, the benefits quickly add up. Likewise, harmful environmental effects can add up quickly when households are unaware of their relationship with pollution, energy waste, deforestation, water toxicity, and ozone depletion (to name a few).

When households opt for products and practices that align with nature, they discover that being eco-friendly is a fun, creative, and budget-friendly way to live. 

At Imperfect Eco, we celebrate individuals and families who identify practical ways to make their homes more sustainable, little by little. We believe you don’t have to be perfect at zero-waste living. At the same time, we recognize the unsustainable trends that many households follow. We want to help people feel good about their everyday connection to the environment.

With this in mind, here are some unsustainable household trends that are important to note:

Single-Use Items

Single-use plastics like bags, bottles, and packaging contribute to pollution and resource depletion. They often end up in landfills or oceans, taking centuries to decompose and releasing harmful chemicals. Moreover, their production relies on finite fossil fuels, intensifying climate change. Switching to reusable alternatives can mitigate these impacts.

Improper Recycling & Waste

Improper recycling and waste management harm the environment and public health. When recyclables are mishandled or contaminated, they can end up in landfills or incinerators, worsening pollution and resource depletion. Littering and illegal dumping further contaminate soil, waterways, and ecosystems, endangering wildlife and habitats. Inadequate waste management also releases greenhouse gases and toxic pollutants, worsening climate change and health risks.

Excessive Water

Using excessive water contributes to water scarcity, as well as environmental strain. It depletes freshwater sources, leading to ecosystem degradation and habitat loss. Additionally, high water consumption increases energy demands for treatment and distribution, raising greenhouse gas emissions. Adopting water-efficient practices and choosing products with lower water footprints helps conserve this vital resource and mitigate environmental damage.

Low-Quality Items

Opting for low-quality items that require frequent replacement harms the environment and depletes resources. As these items are produced, transported, and thrown out, they create waste and pollution. Consequently, issues like landfill overflow and greenhouse gas emissions worsen. The constant cycle of purchasing and discarding low-quality items promotes unsustainable consumption patterns, further exploiting natural resources.

On the other hand, here are some great ways to practice eco-conscious living at home:

Reusable Items

We love seeing our community shopping from businesses that sell sustainable home materials! Reusable bamboo, metal, silicone, beeswax, or glass items offer a sustainable alternative to single-use plastics by significantly reducing waste and environmental pollution. These materials are durable, long-lasting, and reusable, helping to minimize resource consumption and protect ecosystems.

Proper Recycling & Waste

When we recycle and manage waste properly, we accomplish several key things:

  • conserve natural resources
  • reduce pollution
  • mitigate environmental harm

These things are accomplished by diverting materials from landfills and promoting their reuse and recycling into new products. This approach minimizes the need for raw material extraction. Fortunately, it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a circular economy.

Energy-Saving Shopping

In today’s world, online shopping feels more convenient than traveling to brick-and-mortar stores. Because of this, consumers are encouraged to shop more often than they typically would. Unfortunately, this convenience has negative impacts on our environmental footprint. When you consciously limit your online shopping for the home, you reduce carbon emissions associated with goods transportation and packaging.

Water-Saving Techniques

Conserving water use at home helps preserve freshwater resources, reduce water bills, and mitigate environmental strain. Additionally, it supports ecosystem health and resilience, ensuring water availability for future generations.

Another water-saving technique is shopping for high-quality items that last long or have multiple uses. This practice reduces the need for frequent replacements, minimizing water usage associated with the production and transportation of goods.


Top Eco-Friendly Items for a Sustainable Home

Even if the builders of your home didn’t implement sustainable architecture or a green home design, there are still plenty of ways to make your home better for the environment. While we encourage you to get creative with sustainable home decor and landscaping, this guide focuses on functional products within your home.

Here are some simple ideas for setting up a sustainable bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. Plus, we’ll give you some ideas for sustainable dog care:

Sustainable Bathroom


Eco-Friendly Toothbrush

Regular brushes are made from non-biodegradable plastic, whereas eco-friendly toothbrushes are crafted from sustainable materials like bamboo or recycled plastics, promoting more eco-conscious dental hygiene practices.


Eco-Friendly Hand Soap

Unlike mainstream soaps that often contain synthetic chemicals and come in non-biodegradable packaging, eco-friendly soaps prioritize natural ingredients and minimalistic, eco-conscious packaging, promoting healthier skincare routines while minimizing ecological harm.

Check out more eco-friendly soaps here! 


Eco-Friendly Toilet Brush

Every household needs a reliable toilet brush for regular cleanings. Unlike regular toilet brushes made from non-biodegradable plastics, eco-friendly toilet brushes are typically crafted from sustainable materials like bamboo or recycled plastics.

Sustainable Kitchen

Eco-Friendly Compostable Garbage Bag

When you research sustainable living tips, a popular tip you’ll read is to stop using traditional plastic garbage bags because of their link to plastic pollution. Eco-friendly compostable bags are typically crafted from biodegradable materials like cornstarch or plant-based polymers, providing a more environmentally conscious option.


Eco-Friendly Dish Brush

You wash your dishes often, so this is the perfect opportunity to become more environmentally friendly. Unlike many sponges and dish brushes, eco-friendly brushes eliminate the need for non-biodegradable plastics. Instead, eco-friendly dish brushes contain sustainable materials like bamboo or recycled plastics. These materials are healthier for waterways, soil systems, and animal life.

Eco-Friendly Reusable Coffee Filter

Eco-friendly reusable coffee filters reduce waste while promoting sustainability in coffee brewing practices. Unlike mainstream versions made from single-use paper or plastic, eco-friendly filters are typically crafted from durable materials like stainless steel or hemp.

Sustainable Laundry Room

Eco-Friendly Detergent Pods

Instead of detergent pods or dish detergents made with synthetic fragrances, eco-friendly pods are typically crafted from biodegradable materials and contain natural, plant-based ingredients.

Eco-Friendly Fabric Softener

What we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in our bodies. Eco-friendly fabric softeners not only help you keep synthetic fragrances and harmful chemicals away from your body, but they are also gentle on the planet. These eco-friendly alternatives are typically crafted from plant-based oils and essential oils with beautiful scents, so you don’t have to compromise on effectiveness or fragrance.


Eco-Friendly Dryer Balls

Unlike mainstream dryer sheets made with synthetic materials and chemical fragrances, eco-friendly dryer balls are typically crafted from natural materials like wool or bamboo, providing a reusable and chemical-free alternative for softening clothes, reducing static, and shortening drying times in the dryer.

Sustainable Homes of Dog Owners

Eco-Friendly Hemp Ball

There’s nothing like playing a fun game of catch with your dog! Eco-friendly hemp dog balls are not only sustainable, but they’re also more durable and safe for your playful dog. Unlike synthetic materials that pose risks of ingestion or environmental harm, eco-friendly hemp balls are crafted from natural, biodegradable hemp fibers.


Eco-Friendly Dog Leash

Unlike regular dog leashes made with synthetic materials that can contribute to environmental pollution, eco-friendly dog leashes are typically crafted from natural and biodegradable materials like hemp or recycled materials, providing a more environmentally conscious and safer option for walking and controlling your cute pup.

Eco-Friendly Compostable Poop Bag

Plastic poop bags are pretty much unavoidable when you own a dog. Luckily, eco-friendly compostable poop bags reduce plastic pollution and promote sustainability in waste management practices.


What We Covered: Eco-Friendly Items for a Sustainable Home

Non-environmentally friendly homes contribute to pollution and resource depletion through single-use plastics, improper recycling, excessive water usage, and buying low-quality items. Transitioning to reusable alternatives, implementing effective waste management, and investing in sustainable products are crucial steps to mitigate these issues.

Take note of these key eco-friendly items to get started with your sustainable home:

  1. Toothbrush
  2. Hand soap
  3. Toilet brush
  4. Compostable garbage bag
  5. Dish brush
  6. Reusable coffee filter
  7. Detergent pods
  8. Fabric softener
  9. Dryer balls
  10. Hemp ball
  11. Dog leash
  12. Compostable poop bag

We encourage you to shop our bathroom, kitchen, laundry, and pet selection. All brands that The Imperfect Eco endorses put a lot of care into the way they formulate their household items. Thank you for investing in brands that support the future of our planet.

Remember: You don’t have to be perfect to be eco-friendly!



Made for Sustainable Living

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